Q&A section

Where I answer your questions about our god, cult or react to any relevant mails


"Hello. Is there angels on the Moon? Does the Moon have angels? Or does the Moon has demons? Thank you rainbow87@hotmail.com 02/11/2006"

Hello. Thank you for your email! Angels as you probably know them are actually the servants of the abrahamic god only. There are no angels on the Moon and they are hostile to the Moon God and the cult as it is not their god. There are no demons either. The only currently known non human servant is the moonborne. -Ham'dah


"Drop the donation page and the sex rituals already bro hahahaha josemiller-55@aol.com 21/10/2006

We received a handful of emails such as this one. We wanted to clear any misunderstandings people could've have due to some other cults, sects or religions. We do not ask for financial support. We do not wish to herd the cult's followers in some isolated town. We do not want to create a harem with the followers. We do not and will not plan a mass suicide ritual. And we don't even want a mass worldwide cult as we think it would bring more problems than anything. -Ham'dah


"Hello, i was browsing your site and i wanted to ask, are you guys wicca? And in what state are you based? christina88879@aol.com 04/10/2006"

Hello Christina, thank you for your email! To answer you thruthfully, despite the existence of other gods, we are not wicca nor define ourselves as neo-paganists. While we acknowledge the existence of other gods, we are monotheists in practice as we only worship the Moon God. We are not based in the United States, nor in any other country. We are based on the Moon and have members a bit all over the globe. -Ham'dah